Broken Mirrors

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When I start to think about all of growth I’ve been blessed with over the last year, I always think of the the word “reflection”.

February 23 of 2015, I decided that it was time to make a change in my life. I was looking at my reflection through a broken mirror. My eyes, my heart. There was nothing good about me and I couldn’t give myself an ounce of credit if my life depended on it. Which, at that time, it did.

As I go through my journey, the pieces of my mirror are slowly melting back together and I am starting to see myself the way I believe God intended. As a warm, giving, and helpful person. A person with so much empathy (mirror neurons anyone?) for people who struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction or any of the other fun things that some of us have the privilege of living with.

I know that my broken mirror is being repaired and I am starting to see with new eyes and a new heart. There will always be an opinion, but I know that when I continue to do what I believe is MY God’s will, then it will all be okay.






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